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Protocols were developed to establish operational procedures and to define relative responsibilities between the ICU and dialysis nursing personnel. The dialysis nurse educator was responsible for training all of the ICU nursing personnel. Dialysis nurses were responsible for the provision and initiation of SLED treatments, while troubleshooting and discontinuation responsibilities were shared.

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As of August 2010, between 500 billion and 1 trillion plastic bags are being used each year worldwide. Approximately 100,000 sea turtles and other marine animals die every year because they either mistake the bags for food or get strangled in them, says Natural Environment. In Australia, 50 million garbage bags end up as litter yearly, and the [url=http://www.icsanteufemia.it/]Michael Kors Grayson Medium[/url] "plastic soup" patch floating in the Pacific Ocean is twice the size of the continental United States.

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