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Jeremy Boxall, of the farmers' group Leaf (Linking Environment and Farming), supplies salad to Waitrose and Marks Spencer, and says that the salad in British bags is still grown predominantly in the UK, but that from October to May, production shifts to Spain, Portugal and Africa. "I've been impressed with the environmental management there," he says. "The standard of production is very high and overseen by our producers to the standards we'd demand here." If salad was grown in the UK to satisfy year round demand, then eco unfriendly greenhouses would have to be used..

Give American Airlines credit for trying a new method to board passengers more quickly. Airlines constantly tinker with the boarding process, and this time American says it has found a way to cut an average of two minutes from the 40 minutes to 45 minutes that a narrowbody aircraft spends at the gate. American narrowbodies take off about 1,750 times a day, so two minutes per flight is a lot of time..


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