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先週の金5、テーマ「ある人を好きになる条件」。M崎先生の大学時代の逸話が聞けました。遊園地に行って「きゃー」を狙ってジェットコースターにどうしたとか、いかなる経緯をたどって結婚に至ったのかとか、という……。それをレジュメの隅にこりこりとメモっている司会って一体何なんだ? と思いました。


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As well as learning an activity, there are endless opportunities to complement a child's interest. My son's favourite channel is Mr Stampy, a kind of Minecraft superhero with 2,000,000 subscribers. Mr Stampy Longnose, as he's sometimes called, has a huge following in the under 10 age range and he's also taught my son about the brilliant British sense of humour.

Find where the ants are coming from. Follow the trail of ants to their point of origin. If you can find the hole from which the ants come out of, spray some of your deterrence around the area to keep them from leaving.

Top of pageRESULTSPatient characteristicsSustained low efficiency dialysis treatments were performed in 37 patients whose clinical profiles are provided in Table 1. Median age was 58 years. Five patients were primarily managed by the cardiovascular service, 6 by surgery, and 21 by internal medicine.

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