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Perley recommended that operators first send up test balloons or gas bags to check the speed of the air current so that they could set the timing device accurately. Of course the aerial bomber also had to be sent up directly to the windward side of its target. A Confederate veteran recalled an attach to the Confederate War Department who appealed for money through Richmond newspapers to build a big balloon.

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The severity of the joint pain has given dengue the name "breakbone fever." Nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite are common. A rash usually appears 3 to 4 days after the start of the fever. The illness can last up to 10 days, but complete recovery can take as long as a month.

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未承認 - 2021/11/23 (火) 00:54 Edit


未承認 - 2021/11/23 (火) 02:33 Edit


未承認 - 2021/11/24 (水) 05:18 Edit


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未承認 - 2021/11/25 (木) 00:49 Edit


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未承認 - 2021/11/25 (木) 06:27 Edit


未承認 - 2021/11/25 (木) 09:48 Edit


未承認 - 2021/11/25 (木) 13:16 Edit


未承認 - 2021/11/27 (土) 03:05 Edit


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未承認 - 2021/11/28 (日) 02:21 Edit


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未承認 - 2021/11/29 (月) 02:30 Edit


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未承認 - 2021/11/30 (火) 00:42 Edit


未承認 - 2021/11/30 (火) 02:34 Edit


未承認 - 2021/11/30 (火) 04:25 Edit


未承認 - 2021/11/30 (火) 06:18 Edit


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未承認 - 2021/11/30 (火) 16:52 Edit


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未承認 - 2021/12/01 (水) 00:12 Edit


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未承認 - 2021/12/01 (水) 03:46 Edit


未承認 - 2021/12/01 (水) 05:36 Edit


未承認 - 2021/12/02 (木) 01:40 Edit


未承認 - 2021/12/22 (水) 21:19 Edit


未承認 - 2021/12/22 (水) 23:00 Edit


未承認 - 2021/12/23 (木) 02:28 Edit


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未承認 - 2021/12/23 (木) 20:16 Edit


未承認 - 2022/01/17 (月) 04:28 Edit


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未承認 - 2022/01/18 (火) 00:23 Edit


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未承認 - 2022/01/22 (土) 07:08 Edit


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未承認 - 2022/01/23 (日) 02:22 Edit


未承認 - 2022/01/25 (火) 19:42 Edit


未承認 - 2022/01/25 (火) 21:50 Edit


未承認 - 2022/01/26 (水) 00:00 Edit


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未承認 - 2022/01/26 (水) 20:43 Edit


未承認 - 2022/01/26 (水) 23:08 Edit


未承認 - 2022/01/27 (木) 01:32 Edit


未承認 - 2022/01/27 (木) 03:57 Edit


未承認 - 2022/01/27 (木) 11:02 Edit


未承認 - 2022/01/27 (木) 15:48 Edit


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未承認 - 2022/01/28 (金) 02:03 Edit


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